Agreed, the site needs this. The question is just in the details – *what markup* do we use? When we created the [Go renderer]( ([example]( for the Game of Go StackExchange (later merged into boardgames), there was already a convention on what markup to use, as Sensei's Library-style markup is the default way of showing Go game situations all over the internet. Thus many people were already posting games in SL markup *before* the renderer existed. Is there something similar for the "discussing poker online" world? A "default" way of describing cards? > A♣ AC A+ A:clubs: If so, we shouldn't reinvent the wheel, since familiarity with the markup would be a big plus for users coming in from another community. If there's not, well, then we need to come up with something nice and intuitive, including the question "what does this markup describe?" I.e. is it just a way to describe the suits? Or does it describe whole hands, including a "these cards from the board, these cards from the player" display feature (You know, like when the dealer pushes the best board cards upwards. I'm pretty sure that action has a name.) Or does it display whole tables? Despite trying to be intuitive, how can it also be flexible (e.g. not create issues with different game types)? Comments appreciated.