The question: Why did I lose a Flush in Omaha?
The reasons it was closed:
closed as off-topic by Radu Murzea♦ Sep 22 at 6:50
This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason: •"This question does not appear to be about poker within the scope defined in the help center." – Radu Murzea
If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question or leave a comment
The question appears to be off topic, how so? Please be precise here. Because I am ok at critical reads and what exactly is off topic in this question cannot be found at Help Center > Asking / What topics can I ask about here? or What types of questions should I avoid asking?.
Closing because the user did not do enough research, what does that mean, what does that achieve. This is the site that is supposed to becoming a resource. If we do not already have an answer here, and a user asks the question, that is great. That is how this site gains value, that how this site gets SEO and thus more users. What do you care if it is on Yahoo or Wikipedia or two plus two. I can guarantee that I can find an answer to every question asked at Poker Meta somewhere online. Was the question answered here, if it wasn't then they have done their research.
If you could please point me to the correct resource, please don't, save it for the next post you close, so that user understands.
I am very serious what were you thinking? Where exactly is this question off topic? Where is your due diligence on this one? How in the world could the OP in this case figure why you closed this? Was it off topic, no. Was there even a vague description of what might be off topic about this question in the link provided by the moderator? Nope. Was this question perhaps answered in other questions here, maybe. But did the moderator indicate that, did the moderator or anybody provide a link to such a question?
This question is on topic, easily answered, with relevant precise answers, and had great value to the OP and other poker players. The confusion suffered from the original OP is common among first time Omaha players. Did you close the question because you perhaps did not know that?
I think the OP's question is inane, low grade and not really a great question. I speculate that the moderator had the same type of thoughts about this question. However the OP's question is a question that fits, it is not a bad question within the context of Stack Exchange.
The judgment of the quality of this question is the domain of the community, not of the moderators. By declaring this question off topic, you abused your moderation privilege's. Saying the question was off topic was simple justification to close it, when you cannot define good reason to close it within the rules. The moderator manipulated, the moderator denied us our voice, the moderator was elitist. By doing this you take away the communities stake in the community.