This closed question is the only source of the 2 tags variants and worldwide. I don't think those tags belong on the site. A question has to have at least 1 tag, but it seems a shame to let these 2 inappropriate tags live solely for a question that was closed.

If I recall, tags like off-topic or subjective are frowned upon. Can we edit the question to remove those 2 tags, while putting something more appropriate in their place?

If you think the tags do belong, why? What are examples of questions where they would be appropriate?

1 Answer 1


Tags are removed from the database automatically about a day after they are no longer in use. The solution is to retag the question appropriately so it does not hold on to ill-advised tags. If the community does its job, the question should eventually be deleted. That will take care of the problem, too.

And, no, adding place-holder tags like [off-topic] would not be appropriate. Those are meta tags and they are discouraged: The Death of Meta Tags.

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